Monday, September 14, 2009

ALMOST laste for school - and a talkative 4-year old

This morning, we woke up late. You see, my husband has this inner alarm clock that almost always has him getting up after he has reached his 7-8 hours of sleep. I wish I had that!! But today, his alarm didn't go off. :-)

We had 15 minutes to get Ien to school. Thank goodness we live close or else we would have been in trouble. We actually got there late, but the teacher didn't come out and get the kids until a few minutes after the bell rang. *whew* But as of yet...Ien has not yet been late to school. I'm so proud!

After dropping Ien off at school, of course Damon and I went up and down the road. I ran, and he rode his bike. It is fun to race him down the hill...and kinda forces me to run fast, even though I am tired. He spent most of the morning with his friend Bode though, and when it was time to go to preschool...thus started his stream of talking. He first started out by telling Bode that he was going to preschool, followed by details about how he was dirty and had to change (it didn't matter that we were late leaving). So I very patiently took him inside while he described what he wanted to wear, and that his pants were dirty....which they were covered with water and sand. On the way to school, it was a mixture of "Where is Thumbkin" song and the ABC's. He also discussed how he wanted me to pick him up from school, and that he didn't want the string cheese I had cleverly put in his lunch.

He tried to give it to me, but I told him I would eat it when I went to pick him up. He told me to have a good day before we even got to his school. Talk about eager to go to Preschool. :-)

I didn't end up picking him up since Mike didn't have the meeting that was planned, but oh well.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I am LOVING taking pictures of these twins...they are just so dang precious, it makes me jelous! :-) But I love my boys either way.